Story of my life~
19/11/2014 – 4/07/2016
“The only devils in the world are those running in our own hearts. That is where the battle should be fought”… Mahatma Gandhi
Above means precisely what it says, as I am again working on this article today – after such a long time – I have allowed my happiness to be influenced by a challenge.
So the reason I am seeking out this particular subject again today (5/7/2016), would be the fact that happiness throughout our lives has its ups and downs and that is okay!
If I focus today just on the challenges, I am definitely going to become very unhappy. If I choose, because I can choose, to focus my attention on all my many blessings, things are going to look up pretty soon… the challenge will probably still be there, but I have found that when we choose to find gratitude for our many blessings, solutions for our challenges come about as if it occurred miraculously.
“We collect what we project”
“You will be happy in your life in direct proportion to which you will be helpful to the world.”
One of the many good reasons for my website is that I believe that we are not alive without reason!
We just need to get into the flow and know how superblessed we are…
I could say that my reason for being here, was to produce two beautiful offspring… yes, that would be an extremely good reason.
I could say I influenced a few humans with publishing my book, “Bury the Past, Unlock the Future”. That would be a good reason, but how did I, and am I, bringing happiness? What about all the challenges that we have to face daily and the bad ‘stuff’ throughout our lives? What happiness would I be leaving, should I move on?
Happiness for me is seeing ordinary people growing into extra-ordinary human beings. I believe that I can attain more happiness by sharing my life publicly with everyone who wants to take some precious time to read it. The only reason why I feel I can write this article is that everything I write about I have lived and still I am living it. Everything that I am sharing, is from what I have experienced and if in any way this might help on your journey, then this makes me very happy!
How would you go about to find this ever eluding ‘happiness’? Gratitude and happiness go hand in hand…
Anticipate what you want for your life. Start by writing down the answers that come to you in a Journal.
When do you feel happy? Make a list of it!
What makes you feel happy? Add to the list all the time…
First, you need to know what makes you happy. Meditate on this, you have to give it a lot of thought to get to the real answers… the truth so to speak… for this simple reason:
Sometimes we give away our happiness to everyone we share our lives with and forget about what we need to be happy. We do not even realise that we are doing or have been doing it!
To know what it is that makes you truly happy is the beginning of happiness!
I have heard this so many times before, but I only started doing this the beginning of this year – actually I have the date – 19/01/2014 and only because I have written it down with a date in my journal.
I started my list for happiness while I was at Mantis & Moon Backpackers and I even wrote down the fact that it was after a massage that the writing began. Just goes to show how beneficial massage – that we see as a luxury -can be. Before and even then I would feel very guilty for having a massage! How ridiculous is that?
At this present time, I have a voucher for a massage, being a Christmas present, from one of the best masseuses I know. I do not feel guilty any more to receive this, for I know that ‘massage’ was one of the many things I wrote down that makes me happy and I know that I am well-loved by my friend, Zane who gifted me this.
Did you know that recent scientific research has shown that the electromagnetic field created by the human heart is actually 5000 times more powerful than the one created by the human mind? People can actually “feel” that field 5 – 10 feet away from you!
If this has been proven scientifically, I believe it is in your best interest, not only for you, but for everyone around you to become super happy? Would you agree?
Only when you know what makes you happy, you can go on to manifest this and to actively visualise your best happy life. Do this and see how happiness wants to enter your life. You are the only one to keep this from happening!
I am still going through my Journal to do this article on Happiness and I am still on this date of 19/01/2014 where I made my list and the next thing after the massage is ‘Being in Nature / Being at Peace / To hear and see birds.
Well on this present date of 19/11/2014, this is exactly what I am experiencing while I am writing this… you see I travel with my husband for his work and while he is on-site, I write and I am sitting now well aware that I am fully at peace. I am surrounded by the most beautiful nature as I am on the second floor with an open patio door and it feels like I am sitting in the treetops with the birds.
While writing, I have been admiring the most beautiful birds and they have blessed me all day long with melodious birdsong.
Have you ever seen a Flamboyant Tree in full bloom? This is my view for now and it is absolutely gorgeous!
Happiness abounds, and all of this because I started making my list of what I wanted in life? On the 19/01/2014 I was so sick of being unhappy when I knew that I was so very blessed. And I literally remember being physically ill because of my ignorance. At that stage I thought I knew what makes me happy, but I obviously did not and it manifested in sickness. I literally felt sick of unhappiness!
Once I started making my own list and this is very important, because if we are in a partnership for long enough and if we have children, we actually change our thinking on what happiness is. This happens so gradually that you don’t even realise it is happening!
I believe that depression stems from this ‘not knowing any more’ what makes you happy and luckily for me, I became sick of being unhappy. When I started writing down what actually gives me goosebumps of being happy, only then could happiness creep back into my world. It is important also to be aware that happiness can only fill your world if you want it because it is only you who create your world/reality!
I am laughing now because the next thing on my list of 19/01/2014 was: ‘To know who I am and then to be who I am’. At the risk of feeling foolish, I am sharing that one with you. Fact is, I cannot feel foolish for sharing this because I am doing exactly that which I listed, by sharing with you… amazing, isn’t it?
Next on my list was the toughest, I think: ‘To look in the mirror and like what I see’. (Maturing lines and all.) Well, all I can say is that I am getting there. I know now that to age is a privilege and a gift.
Next was physical and mental health and at this time, I feel my best after eleven months of exercise and better eating which makes me feel younger and healthier than ever.
Then follows everything on my list that is an absolute part of my life at this point: dancing under the stars, violin music, to be a traveller, do more yoga to get more oxygen into my body, be well-loved, feel like a goddess, to laugh, to have time just to be, to hula, to have lovely smells surround me (I now make my very own perfume and other products with the names of my grandchildren!
Yes… I have a list filled with ‘stuff’ that might seem silly, but it is my list… for my happiness!
The most important on my list: To have peace with my husband and children and to feed them and others with my most beautiful essence. In my journal at the bottom of the page of 19/01/2014, I wrote in capital letters: ‘I WANT TO BECOME THE MOST CARING AND LOVING PERSON I KNOW’
I am blessed to say that I am told on a daily basis that this is exactly what I am doing now. All of the above that was on my list eleven months ago is my world and reality at this point. So, go ahead, try it… make your own list!
One of my most favourite mentors is definitely Helen Keller and this is what she had to say:
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens,
but often we look so long at the closed door that we
do not see the one which has been opened before us.”
Our bodies are magnificently skilled instruments of recycling and change. We can trust it!
The fact that you are reading this, would mean that you need to ask the following question: How would you even begin this list?
Well, Gary Hirson is a writer-photographer who teaches children this easy goal-setting skill which I believe is a good start.
He says “Everything we do starts in the mind. To really do something, we first need to imagine how it will feel with all our senses. Then the subconscious takes over and does everything in its power to achieve that result”.
Remember that all suffering is followed by joy;
and misfortune never comes
unattended by happiness!
The 1001 Nights
To gain happiness, it is very important to know that you are supported by Source / God / Universe.
I went for a reiki healing and still have the note the therapist gave me, pasted into my Journal. It reads:
I know that life always supports me;
I trust the process of life;
All I need is always taken care of;
I am safe!
And round about the same time I found a piece of paper and it read:
Good morning,
This is God,
I will be healing all your problems today.
I will not need your help,
so have a good time.
I love you!
Maybe the Universe was trying to tell me something, don’t you think? And just maybe it would be a good idea to write this on a piece of paper and stick it on somewhere where you can see it as a daily reminder…
Superblessed to be able to choose happiness!